Montag, Dezember 05, 2005

Saigon: Linh-Ly and Football

After rainy Dallat I went to Saigon. This is the city, where my mum and her family are from. Now still two cousins of mine live in HCMC. So I met Linh-Ly with husband Phuoc and her three childreen. The wohle family is really nice and cute. I got a sightseeingtour on motorbike with my personel guide Ly...

SeaCup 2005, SemiFinal: Vietnam against Malaysia... Vietnam won 2:1!!!
watched it together with Phuoc ans his friends from work. It was really fun and so good, that Vietnam won. The streets were full of red flags, red shirts, people and about 4 Million motorbikes!! (I am looking foward to world championchip next year!!!)

Thank You, Linh-Ly and Phuoc. I really feel sorry about Phouc's mum. (She died after a long time of illness) I hope everything is going be better after the hard time. It was good to see, that the whole family was staying together.

I enjoyed the time with you...
In a few years I will come back, I am for sure...
Greets to everybody!! Your Cousin