Donnerstag, November 24, 2005

Nha Trang: Bia Hoi and Hangover

Dieses Bild sagt schon alles... ein Liter Bier kostet 6000d. 20000d sind 1 Euro. So, jetzt koennt ihr es euch ausrechnen. Richtig. Ich wusste, ihr seid alle Mathe-Genies!!!

Just look at the picture.. 6000d for 1 Liter. 15000d are 1$. Now you can calculate by Your own. Yeah! Your right!! You are all real Mathe-Genies.

You search for Bia Hoi:

Some small chairs at the street, you see a few tourist (it seem, that the chairs are to small for them) and there is a man, filling beer in plastikbottels...

Now You are right!!!

(Do not go to the toilet! But You now the sideeffect of beer...)

'Stoesschen' to Daenmark, Sweden, England and Germany!!!!

Don't drink to much... maybe You get beroendeframkallande