Donnerstag, Dezember 15, 2005

How long would you travel for a party?

Reason: Fullmoonparty in Thailand at the 16.12. with 10 000 people
From: Cambodia, Siem Reap
To: Thailand, Kho Phangan

06:30 Klingeling! Stand Up!
06:35 Oh... only cold water! (Aeh.. no shower)
07:00 Fried Eggs with Baguette
07:30 Waiting for the bus at the hotel
08:10 Ole.. the Bus is coming!
08:20 Waiting for the bus at the travel agency
09:00 Ole.. the Bus is coming!
09:10 First stop
09:30 Second stop
10:20 'The street is broken!!' What? How can that be? Look at the pictures..

11:00 Ole.. let's go!
11:15 Stop for toilet
12:00 Stop for Lunch
12:40 Stop for Buying water for the windows (Scheibenwischerwasser)

After another few stop (I really don't know why??!!).

14:00 Juhu!! Check Out in Cambodia
15:00 Check in Thailand
16:30 I take the bus to Bangkok (My ticket was a piece of tape...)
20:10 Yeah!! Bangkok!
20:20 For 100Bath (2EUR) to the trainstation

22:50 Ole, let's go. I have never been in such a cold train

08:00 I am in Surat Thani (That's, where the ferry leaves)

10:30 Bus to the ferry

12:00 Waiting... and it was not sure if the ferry will leave because of the waves

14:00 Lucky.. the ferry goes!

17:00 I can see Kho Pangan

At maybe 19:00 I arrived at Coconut Beach!!


Blogger jennsen said...

oh linh-ly, i also would like to be at coconut beach...i still remember the 3 weeks i stayed in thailand this year and to be honest i am a bit jealous.
enjoy your time!
besos from madrid

07 Januar, 2006 19:19  
Anonymous Anonym said...

i'm you remember me??
how's your trip...?
i'm too hard to get a diver license..!!

have a good time...!!
and see you if we can...!!
bye...take care yourself...!!

25 Januar, 2006 09:17  

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