Sonntag, Januar 01, 2006

New Years Eve in Sydney

10...9....8....7.....6.....5....4.....3....2.....1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I saw the greatest and most amazing firework in Sydney!!
With a great few: Opera house and harbour bridge.
(Sorry, not my picture, but it was really like that)
It is so much better not to freeze.. so You can just sit outside and enjoy it.

We had a lot of fun... especially because I could celebrate together with an 'Epplerin'! Hannah and Laure, it was really funny.
And don't ask, why we are lying on the street...
We endet in the Darling Harbour. It's really cute and romantic there...My first drink in the new year... No, it was not a beer or win or liquor. You won't believe it, but it was reach in calories and sooo good: A coffeeshake from starbucks!!

...und naechstes Jahr wieder zusammen mit meinen Maedels!


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi jasmin,
wir freuen uns, dich bald wiederzusehen. die bilder von sydney sind sehr verlocken. ich glaube, deine freunde sind etwas schreibfaul geworden?
es ist "friedhofskalt" hier - ausdruck von bao nghi - besonders nach der sonne kaliforniens, aber ich stehe durch, nur noch eine woche, dann vielleicht 40 grad?
má dào

25 Januar, 2006 07:46  

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