Fraser Island & Team Nr. 1
One Jeep full with food and drinks for 3 days, tents and 9 people.. Let's go. Team Nr.1!

Fraser Island is the world's largest sand island and on the Eastcoast is a 70km long sandbeach. That's the 'mainroad', where we could drive with our jeep. That was really fun. But don't forget... here you have to drive on the left side.
Champagne Pool: Bei Flut spritzen die Wellen ueber die Felsen und fuellen den Pool mit frischen Salzwasser. Auch ist es die einzige Stelle auf Fraser Island, bei der man in salzigem Wasser baden kann.. Ansonsten.. Haie, Qualen, Aliens..
Champagne Pool: At high tide waves surge over the rocks and fill the pool with fresh salt water. It is also the only place on Fraser Island, where you can swim in salt water... Normally... Sharks, jellys, aliens..
Lake McKenzie ist nicht groesste, aber der bekannteste See. Die Straende sind unglaublich weiss, das hab ich noch nicht gesehen, und die Atmosphaere ist atemberaubend. Aber.. leider war das Wetter nicht so gut und die Bilder sind ein bisschen dunkel geworden. Glaubt mir einfach, es ist fantastisch!!
Lake McKenzie is not the biggest lake, but the best known. It has really unbelievable white beaches and the atmopsphare is amazing. But... the weather was not so good, so the pictures are a little bit dark. Just believe me, it is amazing!!
It is hot... and you walk and walk over dunes, up and down, and up. And after 45 minutes... Lake wabby!! The deepest see on Fraser and the best thing, you could wish in that moment..
The Maheno is a famous wrecked ship that can be seen on the east coast of Fraser Island.
It was really a great time and the team was great. I hope you all have a great time, whereever you are in the moment... By the way: I saw a Dingo! I saw Dingo! And a little cute bush rat!
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