Freitag, Januar 27, 2006

Fraser Island & Team Nr. 1

Ein Jeep voll mit Essen und Trinken fuer 3 Tage, Zelte und 9 Leute.. Let's go, Team Nr.1!

One Jeep full with food and drinks for 3 days, tents and 9 people.. Let's go. Team Nr.1!
Fraser Island ist die groesste Sandinsel der Welt und an der Kueste hat sich ein 70km langer Sandstrand entwickelt. Das ist die 'Hauptverkehrsstrasse', auf der wir mit unserem Jeep lang fahren durften, was echt eine riesen Gaudi war. Aber immer schoen dran denken.. hier faehrt man auf der linken Seite!!

Fraser Island is the world's largest sand island and on the Eastcoast is a 70km long sandbeach. That's the 'mainroad', where we could drive with our jeep. That was really fun. But don't forget... here you have to drive on the left side.

Champagne Pool: Bei Flut spritzen die Wellen ueber die Felsen und fuellen den Pool mit frischen Salzwasser. Auch ist es die einzige Stelle auf Fraser Island, bei der man in salzigem Wasser baden kann.. Ansonsten.. Haie, Qualen, Aliens..

Champagne Pool: At high tide waves surge over the rocks and fill the pool with fresh salt water. It is also the only place on Fraser Island, where you can swim in salt water... Normally... Sharks, jellys, aliens..

Lake McKenzie ist nicht groesste, aber der bekannteste See. Die Straende sind unglaublich weiss, das hab ich noch nicht gesehen, und die Atmosphaere ist atemberaubend. Aber.. leider war das Wetter nicht so gut und die Bilder sind ein bisschen dunkel geworden. Glaubt mir einfach, es ist fantastisch!!

Lake McKenzie is not the biggest lake, but the best known. It has really unbelievable white beaches and the atmopsphare is amazing. But... the weather was not so good, so the pictures are a little bit dark. Just believe me, it is amazing!!

Es ist heiss... und du laeufst und laeufst ueber Duenen, hoch und runter, und wieder hoch. Und nach 45 Minuten... Lake Wabby!! Der tiefste See auf Fraser und das Beste, was man sich in dem Moment wuenschen konnte...

It is hot... and you walk and walk over dunes, up and down, and up. And after 45 minutes... Lake wabby!! The deepest see on Fraser and the best thing, you could wish in that moment..

The Maheno is a famous wrecked ship that can be seen on the east coast of Fraser Island.

Guck Guck!!

It was really a great time and the team was great. I hope you all have a great time, whereever you are in the moment... By the way: I saw a Dingo! I saw Dingo! And a little cute bush rat!

Mittwoch, Januar 18, 2006

Oh... Cute!!!

Montag, Januar 16, 2006

Sunrise in Surfers Paradise

...I arrived in Surfers Paradise with the bus, 5 o'clock. I don't know why, but I forgot to book an accomandation. Not really smart, but what shouldI do now?
I walked to the beach and saw a great sunrise, it was really amazing...

Donnerstag, Januar 12, 2006


Mittwoch, Januar 11, 2006


Wer soll den nun Hauptstadt Australiens werden? Sydney? Melbourne? Da konnte man sich einfach nicht einigen. Daher wurde eine neue Stadt gewaehlt... Canberra. Viel Platz, aber eigentlich nicht wirklich viel los... und viele viele Fliegen.

National Museum of Autralia

New Parlament House
War Memorial

Australian Institute of Sports

Dienstag, Januar 10, 2006

..wen intressiert's

No alcohol consumption in public places
penalty 500$

Freitag, Januar 06, 2006

Great Ocean road & 12 Apostel

Everybody who drives on this street will love it!!! The streets goes along the coast west of Melbourns. Really beautiful.
But best-known rock formations are the Twelve Apostels. And soooo beautiful!!!!

...and Karaoke!!! Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine!!!

Dienstag, Januar 03, 2006


Skyline of Melbourne..I were there again with Hannah und Laure..

The old tram is for free, ole!A lot of shops and shopping centerDocklands..

Melbourne Cricket Ground

Montag, Januar 02, 2006

Sydney: Dì Mai

I had really a great time with Di Mai and her family:

Waterpark Jamberoo close to Wollongong ...

House of Di Mai ...
BBQ-Party at XMas-Day...
visit a Xmas house, with over 8000 lights, really crazy but great!!
At the beach...

Thank You and see You soon!

Sonntag, Januar 01, 2006

New Years Eve in Sydney

10...9....8....7.....6.....5....4.....3....2.....1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I saw the greatest and most amazing firework in Sydney!!
With a great few: Opera house and harbour bridge.
(Sorry, not my picture, but it was really like that)
It is so much better not to freeze.. so You can just sit outside and enjoy it.

We had a lot of fun... especially because I could celebrate together with an 'Epplerin'! Hannah and Laure, it was really funny.
And don't ask, why we are lying on the street...
We endet in the Darling Harbour. It's really cute and romantic there...My first drink in the new year... No, it was not a beer or win or liquor. You won't believe it, but it was reach in calories and sooo good: A coffeeshake from starbucks!!

...und naechstes Jahr wieder zusammen mit meinen Maedels!