San Diego and 'Chip&Chap'
That's a dreamhouse, isn't it? Well, I stayed there for a couple of days, when I were in San Diego. Huge Facility, several bedrooms and bathrooms, pool - of course. And every evening an amazing sunset.... too bad, it's only a joke.

Stattdessen hab ich mich Judys Wohnung eingeniestest. Sie ist die Cousine von John also quasi meine Schwiegercousine 2. Grades. Sie studiert dort an der UCSD (UCSD = 19 000 Studenten, Kuenzelsau = 19000 Einwohner).
Instead of that I stayed in Judys place. She is the cousine of John quasi my second cousin in-law. She's still studying at the UCSD (UCSD = 19 000 students, Kuenzelsau = 19 000 habitants).

My personal tour guide showed me the beautiful San Diego (the picture at the botten shows La Jolla with Seelions) inklusive nightlife. We definitely had a fun: 'Yo mumma...'. Chip Chip Chip Chip und Chap, Ritter des Rechts.
Chip Chip Chip Chip und Chap, den Boesen geht es schlecht.
Sie loesen jeden Fall was sie auch tun,
das Boese hat nie Zeit sich auszuruhen....